Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Joy Dare...

So our Ladies Bible Study on Friday morning is doing the 1,000 Gifts study by Ann Voskamp.  Honestly, with my work schedule I'm going to miss at least half of the study, but decided I wanted to take part in The Joy Dare.  Each day you look for 3 gifts that you are thankful for guided by the daily prompts.  Some are easier than others for sure but all of them make you think a little deeper.  The calendar prompts you to think of the big and little things that are such a blessing...and not always the obvious things.  November is a great month to start this, but I'm really going to challenge myself to keep it up for the year.  There is a great app I'm using on my phone that helps me keep up on the daily part of it.  I have no unreal expectations that I will update my blog every day, but hope to try to update it at least once a week. Will definitely be the most action my blog has seen in a long time, but what better way to use it.  So here goes nothing...

Joy Dare Day 1 - 3 gifts eaten

Coffee - can't drink it much any more but I sure do enjoy a fresh cup when I can to get me going

Green Bean Casserole - one of my favorite things my mom makes for Thanksgiving.  I can make it but its just never quite the same as when mom makes it!

Fresh fruit - especially when its picked right off the tree.  My travels to several foreign countries have allowed me to have some of the best FRESH fruit - mango, banana, papaya (not my fav), pineapple, guava...yum.

Joy Dare Day 2 - 3 gifts worn

Scrubs  - because they are comfy and means I get to go to work and do something I really enjoy most days.

That pair of jeans I've had forever - you know that pair that just fits perfect and are SO comfortable!

My running clothes - these days I spend almost as much time in them as I do any other clothes.  So thankful that I have the strength and health to get out there and run!

Joy Dare Day 3 - 3 gifts that start with N

Nature - I just love this time of year - bright leaves, gray/blue skies, crisp air...it just makes me happy!

Night out with friends - don't do it nearly enough.  Just this past weekend got to spend Saturday night with part of my church family celebrating my friends completing their 1st marathon...fun!

Notes of encouragement - I know hand-written notes are so old school, but I love sending and getting them.  Every once in a while I will run across one that someone sent me and it makes me smile and encourages my heart.

Joy Dare Day 4 - a gift gathered, given, good

Garden - Love in the summer being able to harvest my garden and eat the great stuff out of it.  Plus I love sharing the extras with friends and co-workers.

Forgiveness - for myself and others.  I have been given more than I deserve and am more stingy with giving it than I should ever be.

Friends - you know those ones who know just when to call because you need to talk, or the ones who you don't talk to nearly enough but pick up right where you left off the last time.

Joy Dare Day 5 - 3 gifts acorn small

Teeth - one of those things I take for granted until I crack it on Laffy Taffy!

Sand - nothing like walking on a warm, sunny beach and feeling the sand between your toes...reminds me of my travels as well as my time at PCC in Florida.

Medicine - mainly because during my mission travels, I've seen how many people don't have ready access to it like I do.  Can't imagine not having some Ibuprofen handy for a headache or sore muscles.

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