Wednesday, April 11, 2012


I ran across this poem today while rummaging through my office.  I wish I knew where it came from, but I know I've had it for a long time.  Funny how I can read this and remember times in my life I've lived in fear of all those situations mentioned and am still working through most of them in one way or another.  So here's to rallying instead of running....

I feel it coming on again: fear, crawling under my skin.
That quiet, unspoken, never-admitted feeling...
That haunting, ever nagging, turn-your-back and run panic...
Fear not of spiders or big dogs or the pull of the ocean, 
But fear of my ability, people’s reaction, the future, mistakes
O Lord, help me to face my fears and turn them around, 
Be my anchor: stand by me until I - 
Stop fearing I might lose in love...
But fear instead that I may never love at all.
Stop fearing there are others better than me...
But fear instead that I will never discover my true potential.
Stop fearing I might not meet others expectations...
But fear instead that I may never know yours.
Stop fearing what lies ahead tomorrow, next week, next month, next year...
But fear instead that I may never experience life’s drama today.
Stop fearing hurt and sorrow and fears...
But fear instead that I will never feel the pains of growth.
Stop fearing I might fail...
But feat instead that I may never try.
Stop fearing others will laugh at me...
But fear instead that I might never learn to laugh at myself.
O Lord, help me to anchor my life on your hope
Instead of my fear.
O Lord, I know an adventurous life can never be fear-free
But at least help my fears to be my soul’s signal for rallying
Instead of running.