So we finally made it out to a tent camp today. It was a smaller camp than any of the others I had been to. We were told there were approximately 300 people in the tent camp, and we saw about 180 of them. The nurses saw all the usual stuff we see and passed out tons of meds. Other team members were able to pass out Pedialyte to the crowd which was well received to say the least. The kids were adorable there...we taught them all kinds of crazy hand shakes and games. We just had a blast hanging out with them when we could. Also got the kids to sing a couple of songs for me. They even decided to bust out some moves for me too! I'll have to post the video after I get home. It ended up being kind of a short day, because several of the team members were getting over heated from all the sun and humidity. It's definitely been hot here, but it hasn't bothered me too much.
In fact, one of our translators saw me and said I looked better than all the other Americans...he told me "you are 100% Haitian now, well except for your skin!" :) I'm working on that part too! After we came home I headed up to the roof for some downtime and to catch a few rays. Can't come home looking like I never saw the sun! Then just spent the time hanging out with the team telling nursing stories and grossing the guys out!! I'm sure a few of them had nightmares last night!! Sad that the trip is winding down, but looking forward to the last few days!!
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