Friday, May 21, 2010

Clinic day 2...

So yesterday we headed out to Chambrun to see the kids. We normally do their physicals every 6 months, but the earthquake kind of threw that off. It was so great to see them! Syliana was there and was so excited to see me, as I was her. Only 4 more sponsor kids to hunt down before I leave. The kids all look much better than they did in February...obviously due to the fact that they are eating again! We actually had a slow day and only saw about 160 today is make-up day and we have 250 kids left to see.
It was funny today because a bunch of the kids actually remembered my name without me telling them...guess that means I've been spending alot of time down here!! But I am also getting so much better at remembering their names too...which they think is great! I took some large bubble wands with me and had a few minutes to play with the girls outside today...they had a blast! Only spent part of the day in the pharmacy, and got to see pts instead...which actually really helped me work on my Creole...but still have a very long way to go! Also made a few improvements to the pharmacy which hopefully you can see from the pics!

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