Friday, May 21, 2010

More fun...

Chambrun was once again where we held clinic today. We were trying to finish up the school kids although I'm sure we didn't even though the principal assured us we did. I did get to numb up and then cut open an abscess on a girls arm first thing this cool!! It was great to see all the kids, and get to "talk" with them...slowly but surely I will learn Creole! I think Nicky my translator had more fun laughing at my attempts to speak to the one point in time he told me I told this little boy to "chew yourself!" Oh well, at least I tried! Got to see a few more of the sponsor kids today. Only 2 more to find now! The girls braided my hair this afternoon...yeah, thinking I better stick with what I've got but they had a good time braiding it! Tonight its been raining most of the night, so no roof time. But we did have a great time sitting outside watching the lightning storm and singing worship songs. This has been a great team! Hopefully we are all heading out to an IDP camp tomorrow, but things are always bound to change. If not, I'm hoping to get some time to sort through all the tubs we have...its getting to be a bit over-whelming. But we are so thankful for all the donations.

1 comment:

  1. When running a clinic, I think it is best not to tell people to chew themselves! HAH
